Busticket4.me helps you to easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from VUKOVAR to NOVI SAD.

The road from VUKOVAR to NOVI SAD is about 86 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 2 hour and 15 min.

Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Since the bus will be crossing the border, there is a possability for traveling delay and make sure to bring your travel and identification documents.

The Buses are mainly of high tourist class quality with air condition, ABS, comfortable passenger seats etc..

Timetable from VUKOVAR to NOVI SAD can be found for day:


Bus companies that operate from VUKOVAR to NOVI SAD are: SP Lasta ad Beograd.

Buses have the smallest carbon footprint of all motorized transport modes. A bus going from VUKOVAR to NOVI SAD will emit half of the CO2 emitted by a train, and radically less than a car or an airplane.


Vukovar is a city in eastern Croatia. Due to the fact that Vukovar has the largest river port in Croatia, located at the confluence of the Vuka River and the Danube, Vukovar has improved its economy by establishing tade with surrounding countries, which has also significantly contributed to the developing tourism. The city got its name from the river that flows through it, the Vuka River, which originates from the Slavic word 'vuk', meaning 'wolf'.

The highlight of its tourisms, while it may seem odd, are its turbulent history and the consequences left after the war and siege of 1991, which left Vukovar with destroyed economy, culture, infrastructure, civic harmony and soul. The damage caused by these events makes it hard for tourist to imagine Vukovar as it was before the war, a pretty place on the Danube, with roots stretching back to the 10th century and a series of elegant baroque mansions, bustling with art galleries and museums.

Since the return of Vukovar to Croatia in 1998, there has been much progress in repairing the damage, and the locals put a lot of effort to use the remains in the best possible way, like the former Water Tower on the road to Ilok and many desolated buildings which are a testament to destruction.


Vučedol Culture Museum : Located 4km downriver from Vukovar, this newly built museum sits on one of Europe's most significant archaeological sites and in less than a year drew 50,000 visitors. The 19 exhibit rooms on two levels give an insight into the rich, ancient Vučedol culture you've likely never heard of, referred to as the European Troy. The exhibition offer a peak at ceramics, replicas of furnaces where copper was cast, skulls and bones, earthen bowls and trays, wooden canoes and fishbone needles. Visitors can also make a detour to the Megaron. Which is a five-minute walk away from the museum – a bunker-like building with skylights that houses skeletons in a sand pit, including a grave of a deer that was used on shamanic journeys. The Megaron's rooftop attracts visitor with its view over the river and its leafy surroundings.

Vukovar Hospital 1991: This multimedia museum recounts the tragic events that took place in the hospital during the 1991 siege. The stirring tour takes you through a series of sandbag-protected corridors, with video projections of war footage, bomb holes and the claustrophobic atomic shelter where newborn babies and the children were kept. There are small cubicles where you can listen to interviews and speeches by the victims and survivors.

Castle Eltz: Closed for several years following the war, the 18th-century Eltz Palace reopened its doors after renovations in 2014. It now showcases four levels of exhibits, many with interactive multimedia features and all marked in English. Don't miss the moving 3rd-floor exhibit about the siege of Vukovar.

Ovčara Memorial: Around 6km out of town, en route to Ilok, there’s a turn-off to the Ovčara Memorial, another 4km down the road. This is the hangar where 194 victims from Vukovar's hospital were beaten and tortured after the town's surrender in November 1991. Inside the dark room are projections of victims’ photos, with a single candle burning in the middle. The victims met their deaths in a cornfield another 1.5km down the road, now marked with a black marble gravestone covered with candles and flowers.

Ada: This sandy island on the Danube is a favorite gathering place during summer months, when both locals and tourist can be seen swimming, sunbathing, or just simply enjoying a drink in numerous cafes along the beaches. For those who like to sail, there are free boats that depart from the restaurant Vrške.

While Vukovar may not be the place of your dreams, it is worth visiting to honor the town that got back on its feet thanks to its proud citizens who didn’t let it become just another destroyed city in the wake of the war. Today, thanks to its connection with other major cities, Vukovar can be easily reached, either by bus or via river, and a lot of tourist use these ways to come here and witness the reborn city.

Novi Sad

Novi Sad is the second largest city of Serbia, the capital of the autonomous province of Vojvodina and the administrative center of the South Bačka District. It is located in the southern part of the Pannonian Plain, on the border of the Bačka and Srem geographical regions, on the banks of the Danube river, facing the northern slopes of Fruška Gora mountain.

Novi Sad was founded in 1694, when Serb merchants formed a colony across the Danube from the Petrovaradin fortress, a Habsburg strategic military post. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it became an important trading and manufacturing centre, as well as a centre of Serbian culture of that period.

Today, along with the capital city of Belgrade, Novi Sad is the industrial and financial center of the Serbian economy; also, it was named one of the 2021 European Capital of Culture cities. Since 2000, Novi Sad is home to the EXIT festival, one of the biggest music summer festival in Europe.


Bus station Novi Sad
Address: Bulevar Jaše Tomića 6
Phone number (informations): +381 (0)21 444 022
Phone number (reservations): +381 (0)21 444-896
e-mail: gspns@gspns.rs
web: www.gspns.rs

Public transport

  • Linija 7 - Novo naselje - Liman - železnička stanica - Novo Naselje
  • Linija 10 - Centar - Industrijska zona "Jug" ("Albus")
  • Linija 11A - Železnička stanica - bolnica - Liman - Železnička stanica
  • Linija 14 - Centar - Sajlovo

Taxi services

  • Taxi Vojvođani 

Phone number: 060 33 00 206; 021 522 333; 063 322 333

  • Taxi Maxi Novosađani 

Phone number: 021 400 555; 021 451 111; 063 536 536; 064 16 16 000

  • Pan Taxi 

Phone number: 021 4 55 555; 064 21 55 555; 065 21 55 55

  • Vip Taxi

Phone number: 021 444 000; 066 444 000

  • Grand Taxi 

Phone number: 021 443 100; 021 633 22 22; 063 330 330; 063 445 444

  • Red Taxi 

Phone number: 021 52 51 50; 064 52 51 500; 069 52 51 500

  • Crveni Taxi

Phone number: 021 553 333; 066 3 5555

  • Delta Taxi

Phone number: 021 44 55 77; 060 644 55 77; 066 44 55 77; 069 44 55 777