The bus from ALEKSINAC to UŽICE does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 222 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 04 hours i 30 mins. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are middle and high class, but on the shorter distances carriers can travel by turist van or small bus.
Timetable From ALEKSINAC to UŽICE can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from ALEKSINAC to UŽICE are:Centrotrans Sarajevo.


Aleksinac is a town and municipality located in the southern Serbia. According to 2011 census, the town has a population of 16,420 inhabitants, while the municipality has 51,462.

The territory of the municipality of Aleksinac has been inhabited since the neolithic age. Most of the settlements in the area belong to the Vinča cultural group, and are located on the western side of the South Morava river.

Main industry in Aleksinac is metal industry, but large parts of municipality consists of arable land near the Morava river that is used for grain, maize and peppers. Coal industry was also dominant before fire accident in November 1989. Municipality of Aleksinac is rich in natural resources, especially in black coal, bitumen schist, gravel, sand and limestone.

Lake Bovan, situated 15 km from Aleksinac centre, is a place popular for tourists. The medieval monastery from the 15th century built by Despot Stefan Lazarević, St. Stefan in Lipovac, is 25 km from the city. The monastery is built beneath the slopes of Mt. Ozren (1175 m). There is also remnants of two medieval towns in the mountains surrounding Aleksinac: Bovan and Lipovac, however they are not well preserved.


In the basin of the Đetinja River, bordered by the peaks of Tara, Maljen and Zlatibor, below the remains of a medieval fortress, lies the city of Užice, the center of the Zlatibor District, where more than 70 thousand people live today. Užice is a regional center of culture, tourism, metal and mechanical industry and fruit growing. This hilly and mountainous region is dominated by forests, and the highest peak, Tornik, is located on Mount Zlatibor. The highway from Belgrade to the coast passes through Zlatibor, and direct bus lines have been established with Belgrade, Novi Sad and other cities. The Belgrade - Bar railway line also passes through the city, and bus lines are also well connected with surrounding cities.
Užice is an area that uniquely combines modern and traditional, original cultural flows and traditional life from the past.
The first reliable mention of the city was found in a document from the Dubrovnik Archives dated October 9, 1329.
In the 16th century, Užice was the center of a district and a kadiluk, and during the 17th century it became an important craft and cultural center.
In the very center of Užice, on St. Sava Square, the famous Jokanović House rests on wooden pillars. Built a long time ago, but renovated in the last decade and transformed into a museum exhibit, which with its appearance, furniture and beauty depicts bourgeois life in Užice at the end of the 19th century.
Užice offers a number of the best restaurants that serve very tasty and affordable food, mainly from traditional cuisine. Most of these restaurants are located in a pleasant environment, on the banks of the Đetinja River and next to Užice's conifers and mountainous areas.
Special attention is paid to rural tourism, which, combined with the wealth of flora, water and clean air, makes this area wonderfully unified. Tourism has been flourishing for decades, and the Tara National Park, Zlatibor Nature Park and Mokra Gora have contributed greatly to this.
Discotheques "Klub Skala", "Flash club"
"Naša prica", "Vagon restaurant", "Siesta Užice", "Moja reka", "Gold fish"
"Akustik", "Bistro 1901", "Kod Šula", "Vodopadi", "C'est La Vie"
Most important events
Kustendorf Film Festival, Autumn in Zlakusa, Užice Summer, Mokra Gora Homeland Days, Jumps from the Old Railway Bridge, Yugoslav Theater Festival
Popular hotels and motels
"Užice konak", "Zlatiboeski put", "Nika", "Radan", "Tabana B&B"
Retail park "Nest", Shopping center "Krčagovo", "Paris shopping mall", LC Waikiki
Important telephone numbers
Bus station +381 31602630
Dom Zdravlja +381 31524783
Police 92, 031 513 688
Ambulance 94, 031 514 200
Post 031 511 144
Fire Department 93, 031 521 331