The bus from KOLAŠIN to VRNJAČKA BANJA pass through the cities of BERANE, KRALJEVO, MOJKOVAC, NOVI PAZAR, RAŠKA, ROŽAJE (depending on the route).The first bus leaves at 11:20, while the last departure at 17:30. The road is about 289 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 05 hours and 57 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border.
Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From KOLAŠIN to VRNJAČKA BANJA can be found for days:
Bus companies which operate from KOLAŠIN to VRNJAČKA BANJA are:BOŽUR, Jadran ekspres Kotor.
Kolasin is a city settlement in Montenegro.
The origin and meaning of the word Kolasin is not known. One hypothesis connects him with the Duke named Kolasin who founded the settlement. Another hypothesis says that perhaps Kolasin from the Sultan's decree was the same Kolasin found in the oral tradition and settlement of the Duke Kolasin.
With its great part the area of the municipality is located in border zone of subtropical and mild climate zone. This kind of in-between climate type is reflected with relatively dry and somewhat shorter summers. In the valley of the river Morača you can feel the influence of Mediterranean, and he climate traits of this area are largely conditioned with height altitude of the land and the presence of high mountains that isolate the currents from the south.
Kolasin is one of the centers of Montenegrin mountain tourism. It has the advantage of being easily accessible by road and rail. Kolasin is located at the foot of the mountains Bjelasica and Sinjajevina, which offer excellent conditions for skiing. Due to the height of Kolašin (954 m), the city is considered an aerial spa.
"Biogradska Gora" National Park is in the town's vicinity, and is considered a premium tourist attraction. The development of Kolašin as a tourist destination is bolstered by opening of Bianca Resort & Spa, a luxury resort in town's center. Biogradska gora is under the strict protection of the state for a long time and beside the three other National parks in Montenegro it offers a range of events which can even better introduce you with the history and nature of this area.
Central moment of the entire national park is the fantastic Biogradsko Lake, which on the surface of about 23.000 m2 is located at the height of 1094 meters of height above the sea level. Around it there are walking paths.